Suske en Wiske op het WWW
Suske en Wiske op het WWW
80 jaar Suske en Wiske

English publications out of series

Most of the English translations of Suske en Wiske have been published as part of a series. Apart from that a small number of stories appeared separately, most of them using the running title Willy and Wanda. Only one album, a bilingual edition of De gouden bloem, carries the title Suske en Wiske.


Title Original title Year Cover
The golden flower De gouden bloem 1976 De gouden bloem = The golden flower
Dancing cards De kaartendans 1983 Dancing cards
Sony-San Sony-San 1986 Sony-San
The jewel in the lotus De parel in de lotusbloem 1987 The jewel in the lotus
The jewel in the lotus De parel in de lotusbloem 1988 The jewel in the lotus
The stroppy steward De razende rentmeester 2004 The stroppy steward
The energetic rascals De energieke guiten 2005 The energetic rascals
The pretty clever professor De pronte professor 2006 The pretty clever professor
The Texas Rangers De Texas Rakkers 2011 The Texas Rangers
The blood brother De bloedbroeder 2013 The blood brother
Auntie Biotica Tante Biotica 2015 Auntie Biotica