Suske en Wiske op het WWW
Suske en Wiske op het WWW
80 jaar Suske en Wiske

Suske en Wiske International


The adventures of "Suske en Wiske" have been published in many languages. The translators of the stories often also adapted the names of the characters who appear in the adventures. At this page you'll find an overview of the names used in the various publications.

For each language the main characters, as far as their names are known, are listed. Next are the lesser important characters and last the names of other series from Vandersteen when they're mentioned in the original publications.

Information about translations in the following languages are available: Afrikaans, Basque, Brabants, Brazilian, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Finnish, Flemish, French, Frisian, German, Greek, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Limburgian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portugese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tibetan, Tamil.
The names from the red series "Suske en Wiske" were taken as a referencepoint throughout this list.


In Afrikaans the name of the series is Neelsie en Miemsie Adventures were published in Klik.

Dutch Translation
Suske Neelsie
Wiske Miemsie
Tante Sidonia Tannie Hessie
Lambik Giepie
Jerom Sagrijs

Luke eta Lucy


At the end of 2011 the movie The Texas Rangers was released in 2011 en 2012 vertoond in the Basque country. The names of suske en Wiske were equal to the ones used in the English version of the movie, Luke and Lucy.

Dutch Translation
Suske Luke
Wiske Lucy

De Éfteling-èlfkes


One story was published in the dialect "Brabants" with the running title Suske en Wieske

Dutch Translation
Suske Suske
Wiske Wieske
Tante Sidonia Taante Sidonia
Lambik Lambiek
Jerom Jerom
Professor Barabas Prefésser Barabas
Schanulleke Schanulleke
Krimson Krimson


One of the very old series is the Brazilian one.

Dutch Translation
Wiske Maria
Tante Sidonia Maricota
Lambik Caninha
Jerom Quebra-Ossos
Professor Barabas ?
Schanulleke Florisbella

Taiwanese edition of 'De toffe tamboer'


Chinese albums have been published in both Taiwan and China.

In Taiwan the name of the series is Dada & Beibei. (Or Tata & Peipei if spelled according to the Wade system.)

Dutch Translation
Suske Dada
Wiske Beibei
Tante Sidonia Xiduoniya
Lambik Bike
Jerom Leimu
Professor Barabas BaHaBa Jiaoshou
Krimson KeSun

Chinese edition of 'De kleppende klipper' In the first series for the mainland of China 8 albums have appeared. In these series the main characters are called:

Dutch Translation
Suske Bo bu
Wiske Bo be te
Tante Sidonia Xi De Ni Gugu
Lambik Lang Bi Ke
Jerom Re Luo Mu
Professor Barabas Ba La Ba Si Jiaoshou
Annemarie van Zwollem Anna Mali . DuKaSiTele

Chinese edition of 'De krasse Kroko' In 2011 a new Chinese series was started. The names of the main characters were changed again for this edition. On this occasion they're called:

Dutch Translation
Suske Susu
Wiske Weiwei
Tante Sidonia Xiduoniya Guma
Lambik Baike
Jerom Dalong (Big Dragon)
Professor Barabas Balabashi Jiaoshou


Robotterne fra rummet In Danish the name of the first series is Finn og Fiffi. The names of the characters are:

Dutch Translation
Suske Finn
Wiske Fiffi
Tante Sidonia Tante Klara
Lambik Lamholt
Jerom Angus
Professor Barabas Professor Snille
Schanulleke Lise
Krimson Krimson
Sus Antigoon Robert d'esprit
Theofiel Teodor Boomerang
De Zwarte Madam Den Sorte Dame

Den hovedløse dame The names in the second series are:

Dutch Translation
Suske Bob
Wiske Bobette
Tante Sidonia Tante Amalie
Lambik Selvhøj
Jerom Arnold
Professor Barabas Professor? Barabas


Bibbergoud Since the introduction in the Netherlands in 1946 till 1967 when Dutch and Flemish editions were no longer seperate series, various names of main figures and others were changed. However Suske and Wiske themselves remained unchanged.

Dutch Translation
Suske Suske
Wiske Wiske
Tante Sidonia Tante Sidonia
Lambik Lambiek
Jerom Jeroen
professor Barabas professeur Barabas
Schanulleke Schabolleke, Isedoruske (in newspaper "de Stem" )


Suske & Wiske are issued both in series in the United Kingdom as in series in the United States of America. The names of the characters in the American series with the title Willy and Wanda are:

Dutch Translation
Suske Willy
Wiske Wanda
Tante Sidonia Aunt Sidonia
Lambik Lambik
Jerom Jerom
Professor Barabas Professor Barabas
Schanulleke Sawdust
Sus Antigoon William Lager
Carmencita Falasol Carmencita Falasol / Big Bertha
Jef Blaaskop Chive Gormando
Prof. Rondello Prof Rondello
Savantas Badapel
Sprotje Shrimpy
Vitamientje Vitamini

Chive Gormando, the leader of the fat guys opened a reducing salon, but when everyone became thin he became a dentist.

Edition by Ravette Books The UK-series Bob and Bobette used the following character names:

Dutch Translation
Suske Bob
Wiske Bobette
Tante Sidonia Aunt Agatha
Lambik Orville
Jerom Wilbur
Professor Barabas Professor Barnabas
Schanulleke Molly
Nikki no name
Prinses Banylon Princess Babylove
Prins Tof-fentip Prince Ham-u-rabbi
Prins La Meling Prince Mem-phis-to
Theofiel Boemerang Theodore Boomerang
Dhr. Van Zwollem Mr. McCassel
Annemarie van Zwollem Marianne McCassel

The latest series Spike and Suzy was published from 1998 to 2001.
The names that are used in this edition are:

Dutch Translation
Suske Spike
Wiske Suzy
Lambik Ambrose
Tante Sidonia Aunt Sidonia
Jerom Jethro
Professor Barabas Professor Barnabas
Schanulleke Muffin

At first, the producers of the movie The Texas rangers used the names Spike and Suzy for the English version. In the Fall of 2008 the names Luke and Lucy popped up.

Nederlands Vertaling
Suske Luke
Wiske Lucy
Lambik Ambrose
Tante Sidonia Aunt Sybil
Jerom Wilbur
Schanulleke Mollymuffin
Professor Barabas Professor Barnabas
Theofiel Boemerang Theophil Boomerang
Jim Parasjit JP
Miss Misses Miss Missy
Tobias Toby

After the introduction of the title Luke and Lucy for the cinematic version of The Texas rangers these names were used by Standaard Uitgeverij for subsequent .
Almost all major characters retained the names as use in the movie, with the exception of Lambik, who was renamed into Cooper.

Dutch Translation
Suske Luke
Wiske Lucy
Lambik Cooper
Tante Sidonia Aunt Sybil
Jerom Wilbur
Professor Barabas Professor Barnabas
Tante Biotica Auntie Biotica

'Het kregelige Ketje' in Esperanto


One album was published in Esperanto with the title Cisko kaj Vinjo. The names of the main characters are:

Dutch Translation
Suske Cisko
Wiske Vinjo
Tante Sidonia Onjo Sidonia
Lambik Lambik
Jerom Jerom
Professor Barabas Profesoro Barabas
Schanulleke Sanulinjo
Snoeffel en Gaffel Snufulo kaj Gafulo


Avaruuden robotit In Finnish the series is called Anu ja Antti and the names of the main characters are:

Dutch Translation
Suske Antti
Wiske Anu
Tante Sidonia Sanelma-Täti
Lambik Koikkalainen
Jerom Jeremias
Professor Barabas Professori Tietonen
Schanulleke Liisa
Bofor Bofor
Nikki Nikki
Savantas Savantas
Snoeffel & Gaffel Vainula & Kärsänen
Sus Antigoon Andreas Antigone
Theofiel Boemerang Pena Bumerangi?
Akuwax Akuvax
Prins La Meling Prinssi Mem-fis-to
Vitamientje  Vitamino
Krimson Krimson
De Zwarte Zwaan Musta Joutsen
Lasido & Remifa Lasido ja Remifa
Lala, Lili, Lolo Lala, Lili, Lulu
Annemarie van Zwollem Ann-Marie Ducastell
Arthur Arttu
Tobias Topi
Zwarte Madam Musta Leski (literally: Black Widow)
Dolly Untuva (literally: Feather)
Achiel Akilles
Prinses Banylon prinsessa Niloni


Op het eiland Amoras Although Flemish is in fact the one and only real series, this series stopped in 1964 when all new adventures were written in ABN which ought to be more civilised. Beside the changing in speaking, some names were changed. When the stories became full colored in 1967 all old stories were edited and reprinted (starting from 67 onward).

Dutch Translation
Suske Suske (derived from Franciscus)
Wiske Wiske (derived from Louisa)
Tante Sidonia Tante Sidonie
Lambik Lambik (derived from the beer: Geuze Lambik)
Jerom Jerom
professor Barabas professor Barabas
Schanulleke Schalulleke (derived from shallot)


Le trésor de Fiskary The French names of the characters are:

Dutch Translation
Suske Bob
Wiske Bobette
Tante Sidonia Tante Sidonie
sometimes Tante Sido
Lambik Lambique
Jerom Jérôme
professor Barabas professeur Barabas
Schanulleke Fanchon, Fanfreluche
Achiel Achille
Arthur Arthur
Bofor ?
Dolly Follette (nr. 98)
Dolly (nr. 226)
Don Persilos y Vigoramba Don Persilos y Vigoramba
Carmencita Falasol ?
Els Feenstra Elise Feenstra (head Fanclub)
Hiverna & Snowijt Hiverna & Neigeblanche
Jef Blaaskop Jef Lenflure (50 year of history)
Jo Têtebrûlée (nr.200)
Krimson Crimson
Lala & Lili & Lolo ?
Lasido & Remifa Lasido & ?
Lange Wapper & Kludde Fildefer & Resol
Moemie (Jerom's mother) maman
Nello & Patrasch ? & ?
Nikki no name (perhaps in nr. 76?)
Pol Ampers (Paul Jambers?) Charles Attent
Priem (Hypnotizer) Mr.Prim (in the large format Tresor de Beersel)
no name in the Tartaarse Helm
Prinses Banylon Princesse Banylon
Prins Tof-fentip Prince Amor Habi
Prins La Meling Prince Mem-Phis-To
Prof. Rondello ?
Sagarmatha Sagarmatha
Savantas Savantas
fairy Seefti La fee Sènésauve
Snoeffel & Gaffel Bonflair & Durbec
Snorrende Snor Le père Moustache
Sprotje ?
Sus Antigoon François Antigone
Robert Antigone (50 year of history)
Bob Antigone (in nr. 198 and 200), Fantomas (in nr.110)
Theofiel Théophile Boomerang
Celestien Boemerang Célestine
Tobias Le chien (nr. 98)
Toby (nr.200)
Tobby (nr.226)
Vitamitje Vitaminette
De Zwarte Madam La dame en Noir
De Zwarte Zwaan Le cygne noir
Dhr. Van Zwollem Monsieur Ducastel
Annemarie van Zwollem Anne-Marie Ducastel
Bessy Bessy (guest appearance in nr.123)
Het Plezante Cirkus Les joyeux lurons (billboard in nr.123)

In the starting days of this comic the title of the French series was Riri et Miette and the names of characters were:

Dutch Translation
Suske Riri
Wiske Miette
Lambik Lambik
Schanulleke Parafine

De pompesetters


Five issues were translated in Frisian, all names remained the same: Suske, Wiske, Sidonia, Lambik, Jerom, Barabas and Schanulleke.


Edition by Rädler Verlag from the seventies In German at least five different series of names were used.

In the Suske und Wiske series issued in the seventies that covered mainly the Dutch Red sequence books, the character names were the same as in Dutch including: Barabas, Schanulleke, Arthur, Jef Blaaskop, Sus Antigoon and Lasido.

This is also true for the names that appeared in the Austrian German books.

In another Suske und Wiske series that was issued in the nineties and covered the first part of the Dutch Blue sequence books, the names of Suske and Wiske remained the same but Lambik is called Pankwitz and Priem is called Prim.

In the fifties the series was published under the title Ulla und Peter and the names of the main characters were:

Dutch Translation
Suske Peter
Wiske Ulla
Tante Sidonia Tante Sidonie
Lambik Lambick
Schanulleke Malchen

Some stories were published in Felix. The names for the two title characters used in this journal were the same as in Dalla. But Lambik and Sidonia were renamed.

Dutch Translation
Suske Peter
Wiske Ulla
Tante Sidonia Tante Frieda
Lambik Pankwitz
Jerom Wastl
professor Barabas Professor Barabas

In the sixties stories of Wastl appeared in greatquantities. We only know that Krimson appeared in some of the stories under the name Genio Macklespleen.

An advertisement issue for Presto Print was published with the title Frida und Freddie. In this issue the names of the main characters were:

Dutch Translation
Suske Freddie
Wiske Frida
Tante Sidonia Tante Sidonia
Lambik Lambik
Jerom Wastl
professor Barabas Professor Barabas
Schanulleke ?

And in the RTL-2 cartoon series the names of the characters are:

Dutch Translation
Suske Bob
Wiske Bobette
Tante Sidonia Tante Agatha
Lambik Orville
Jerom Wastl
Ach.Terpoort Anwalt Gates

Furthermore, the album Het geheim der Gladiatoren (The secret of the gladiators) was published in Horrido magazine in 1955-1956 with the title Kuno der tolle Gladiator. Here the names of the main characters were:

Dutch Translation
Suske Bob
Wiske Babette
Lambik Kuno

NOVA drinkjoghurt once gave jig-sawe puzzles away. For the German speaking part of Belgium, Suske and Wiske were called Willy and Wanda.
Almost the same names were also used from 1988-1991 in the magazine Floh. The names in that journal were:

Dutch Translation
Suske Willi
Wiske Wanda

Greek edition of 'Jeromba de Griek'


In Greek the name of the series is Bobi kai Lou with:

Dutch Translation
Suske Bobi
Wiske Lou
Tante Sidonia Ande Ya
Lambik Lambik
Jerom Zerom
Barabas Varavas

Puti kuti


In Icelandic the name of the series is Siggi og Vigga and the names of the main characters are:

Dutch Translation
Suske Siggi
Wiske Vigga
Tante Sidonia Stína Frænka
Lambik Lambi
Jerom Vambi
professor Barabas Prófessor Fjölráði
Krimson Krimmi
Nikki Særún (she speaks frech in reversed order)
Snorrende Snor Skeggi

Wanita Penyihir


In Indonesian (Malayan) two series were published. The title of the first series is Bobby dan Wanda with:

Dutch Translation
Suske Bobby
Wiske Wanda
Tante Sidonia Bibi Sidonia
Lambik Lambik
Sus Antigoon Dul Antigoon
Zwarte Madam Wanita Penyihir

Setengah Havelaar At the end of 2011 the first part of a new series was issued, with the titleSuske & Wiske.

Nederlands Vertaling
Suske Suske
Wiske Wiske
Lambik Lambik


Il testamento parlante Eight stories have appeared in Italian. Two of these were published in the magazine Tintin, the other six in albums.

In Tintin the following names were used:

Dutch Translation
Suske Bob
Wiske Bobetta
Lambik Lambic

In the series Le avventure di Bob e Bobette these names appear:

Dutch Translation
Suske Bob
Wiske Bobette
Tante Sidonia Zia Berenice
Lambik Anacleto
Jerom Geronte
professor Barabas Baraba
Schanulleke Frufru
Krimson Crimine
Prinses Banylon Principessa Banilo
Prins Tof-fentip Pricipe Amoe-Abi
Prins La Meling Principe Mem-Phis-To
Theofiel Teofilo Boomerang
Dhr. Van Zwollem Dal Castello
AnneMarie van Zwollem Anna Maria Dal Castello
Bessy Lessy (on billboard)

Japanese edition of 'Het dreigende dinges'


In Japanese the name of the series is Susuka tó Wisuka with:

Dutch Translation
Suske Susuka
Wiske Wisuka
Tante Sidonia Shidoonia obasan
Lambik Ranbikku
Jerom Jeroomu
Professor Barabas Barabasu hakase

De Secreto Gladiatorum


In Latin the name of the series (two issues) is Lucius et Lucia with:

Dutch Translation
Suske Lucius
Wiske Lucia
Lambik Lambiorix


De bokkeriejersj One story De bokkerijders was translated in Limburgian De bokkeriejersj. The names of Suske, Wiske, Sidonia and Lambik were not changed. Barabas and Jerom did not have roles in this story. But in the viewpoint of the translators names should not be changed.

Another dialectcommunity (Dialect Onderwijs Limburg) wanted to produce a Limburgian edition as well. In their opinion names should be changed. Then Suske and Wiske would become Frenske (from Franciscus) and Liza (from Louisa). No issue appeared.

Some years later a second album, De kaartendans, was translated into Limburgian dialect as De joker aafgetroef.


Jungleblomsten In Norwegian the name of the series is Finn og Fiffi with:

Dutch Translation
Suske Finn
Wiske Fiffi
Tante Sidonia Tante Klara
Lambik Lamholt
Jerom Ferom
Professor Barabas Professor Max
Schanulleke Lise
Arthur Arthur
Krimson Krimsen
Lala & Lili & Lolo ? & Lili & ?
Sus Antigoon Robert Antigone
Theofiel Teofil Bumerang


De gladde glipper Seven books have been published in Iran. In Latin script the names of the main characters are: Bobi va Bobet.

Dutch Translation
Suske (Bobi)
Wiske (Bobet)


No books of Suske en Wiske were published in Poland. However, the movie The Texas Rangers was broadcasted on Polish TV, in June 2011. The translation of the main characters' names were based upon the English edition of the movie, Luke and Lucy.

Dutch Translation
Suske Lucek
Wiske Luska


O hipopótamo cantor

In the 1950's the story Het Spaanse spook was published in Portugal in the comic magazine Diabrete entitled O misterio do quadro flamengo (i.e.: The mystery of the Flemish painting). The names of the main characters were:

Dutch Translation
Suske Bibi
Wiske Baba
Lambik Pantaleao

In Brazil the series was published as Zé e Maria.
In 2007 a new series started in Portugal. The title of this series was Bob e Bobette.

O paraíso dos cães

Dutch Translation
Suske Bob
Wiske Bobette
Tante Sidonia Tia Sidónia
Lambik Lambique
Jerom Jerónimo
Schanulleke Bagatela
Tobias Tobias
Dolly Coquete
Dhr. Van Zwollem Docastel
Annemarie van Zwollem Ana Maria Docastel

Russian DVD of 'The Texas Rangers'


The movie De Texasrakkers enabled Suske en Wiske to reach countries where they never had been known before. The movie was distributed in Russia as well. The names of the main characters used in Russian translation are derived from the names which were invented for the English edition of the movie, Luke and Lucy.

Dutch Translation
Suske Люк (Lyuk)
Wiske Люси (Lyusi)


At least 5 stories of Suske en Wiske were published in the magazine El Peneca, from Chile. the names used in this periodical were:

Dutch Translation
Suske Tin
Wiske Titina
Lambik Dorito

The Bobette name for Wiske was used in some stories that were issued in the sixties.

Los furax furiosos The original Spanish series from the 1960's was called Bob y Bobette the individual characters got the following names:

Dutch Translation
Suske Bob
Wiske Bobette
Tante Sidonia Tía Sidonia
Lambik Lambique
Jerom Jerome
Professor Barabas professor Barabas
Schanulleke Kiko
Sus Antigoon Héctor Tesalia

In Spain the name of the latest series is Bob y Bobet and the names of the main characters are:

Dutch Translation
Suske Bob
Wiske Bobet
Tante Sidonia Tía Sila
Lambik Alambique
Jerom Jerónimo
professor Barabas Profesor Barrabás
Schanulleke Pompom
Achiel Aquiles
Krimson Crimson


Some stories have been translated in Swahili. The title of the series in this language probably wasBob na Bobette.


Den lysande bumerangen In Swedish the series is called Finn och Fiffi and the names of the main characters are:

Dutch Translation
Suske Finn
Wiske Fiffi
Tante Sidonia Tant Klara
Lambik Lamholt
Jerom Ferom
Professor Barabas Professor Snillén
Schanulleke Lisa
Arthur Arthur
Bofor Bofor
Krimson Krimson
Lasido & Remifa Lasido & Remifa
Prinses Banylon Prinsessan Niloni
Prins Tof-fentip Prins Amor Habi
Prins La Meling Prins Mem-phis-to
Snoeffel & Gaffel Spejerman & Hording
Sus Antigoon Robert Antigone
Theofiel Teofil Bumerang
De Zwarte Madam Svarta Damen
De Zwarte Zwaan Svarta Svan
Dhr. Van Zwollem Herr Castell, Herr Ducastel, Baron Ducastel
Annemarie van Zwollem Ann Mari Castell, Anne-Marie Ducastel
Bessy Bessy

Tamil-version of 'Het zoemende ei'


A number of stories has been published in Tamil.
The image to the right shows the Tamil-edition of Het zoemende ei. The title of this album reads Bayangarap Payanam (The terrible expedition).
The names of Suske and Wiske aren't present on the cover. Apart from the title only the text Mulu Neela Chitharakathai is printed, which means "Full comicbook story".

Dutch Translation
Suske Suski
Wiske Wiski

'The jewel in the lotus' in Tibetan


The story The jewel in the lotus was published in 1987 in Tibetan. The names of the main characters in this edition may be pronounced like:

Dutch Translation
Suske Baga
Wiske Basang

Credits: (in random order)